Tuesday, July 6, 2010



Crime Stoppers is a program that allows a member of the community to provide anonymous information about criminal activity. It thereby allows the person to provide crime solving assistance to the authorities without being directly involved in the investigation process. That person could also be eligible for a reward if the reported information results in an arrest and/or prosecution. Crime Stopper programs are operated in many communities worldwide.

The authorities, especially the police, cannot solve many crimes on their own. Crime Stoppers recognizes that someone other than criminals may have information about crime, and was developed to combat the public's fear of reprisals, public apathy, and a reluctance to get involved. The program provides anonymity (callers are given a code number instead of being asked for their name and calls are not traced or recorded) and pays rewards when their information leads to an arrest and/or conviction.

From the Crimestoppers website:

"The intent is to empower individuals and businesses to legally combat crime that effects them. The aim is to have communities feel safe and secure, businesses and public organisations are able to operate efficiently and effectively. Criminals are having an increasingly pervasive effect on the lives of New Zealander’s families and businesses. We lockup our houses, businesses and cars, grip firmly our wallets/purses, worry about security of credit/Eftpos cards and passwords, suspicious of unsolicited emails, cautious about investment options, threatened by increasing availability of drugs, disgusted at wilful damage around us and conscious of where we walk at night.


This is unacceptable. Criminals should not be determining how we live our lives. What can we do as an individual. LOTS. The first response to seeing or knowing of criminal acts is report the crime to the police. If, for you this is not an option, then CALL CRIMESTOPPERS on 0800 555 111. Crimestoppers wants no name, no record of the call, no statement, just information about the crime and who is responsible. Our aim is to eliminate crime from our lives. This is possible if we report criminal acts or evidence of criminal acts.


Crimestoppers also has a blog that can be accessed through the website:


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