Tuesday, July 6, 2010

Addressing crime

We have chosen crimestoppers to be the product. Which means that the issue that our movie is based around, will be crime.

Some facts about crime in New Zealand.

  • In 2009 there were 65,465 recorded incidences of violence in New Zealand. 53,727 were resolved
  • In 2009 there were 3,728 recorded incidences of sex related crimes. 2,316 were resolved.
  • In 2009 there were 70,283 recorded incidences of drug related crimes. 65,457 were resolved.
  • In total 2009 saw 451,405 criminal offences reported. 215,618 were resolved.
A key aspect to the crimestoppers code is that they provide anonymity to its callers. This is hugely beneficial to witnesses of crime that have nothing to do with the situation and dont want to get involved. Sometimes calling the police is a deterrent because the witness doesnt want to go to the police station and file a report where their name, is now associated with the crime. With crimestoppers they can report the crime with "no strings attached".

With our interactive movie, the central proposition could still be a number of things.
  • Creating crime awareness (general)- which would then lead to the promotion of crimestoppers.
  • Crimestoppers launch campaign - building an awareness for the new organisation
  • Getting donations for crimestoppers to "help stop crime"
  • Getting witnesses or victims to call crime support
  • Stopping criminals/ allowing reluctant crims to get out anonymously

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