Wednesday, July 21, 2010

The Police Brief


The New Zealand Police Ngā Pirihimana o Aotearoa is the national police force of New Zealand, responsible for enforcing criminal law, enhancing public safety, maintaining order and keeping the peace throughout New Zealand. They are also responsible for traffic and commercial vehicle enforcement as well as other key responsibilities including dignitary protection, firearms licensing and matters of national security.

Assignment Brief

The New Zealand Police are continually seeking new recruits to maintain public safety within the community, however people are not aware of the specialized areas that are offered within the New Zealand police. The overall objective for this brief is to create a recruitment campaign that combines elements of both digital and traditional advertising for the New Zealand police that makes the public aware of the potential of joining the New Zealand police when choosing their career path.


Target Audience
The target audience for this brief has been split into two core focus groups.

The first group consists of pupils aged between the years of 16 and 19 who are in their final years of high school education and have begun to think about their future and potential careers.
These students have an outgoing, social persona who learn more effectively from participation rather than study.

The second group consists of New Zealand residents that are older than 22 years of age, who are stuck in a job that they are no longer interested in. This audience also feels that they are working in a job as opposed to a career and most likely started working to financially support their lifestyle as opposed to doing something more engaging and career oriented.

Double Minded Proposition

Because the target audience has been split into two core areas of interest a specific Double Minded Proposition has been more specifically assigned to each group.

There is more to the police than just patrol. (targeted at but not restricted to pupils between the ages of 16 and 19)

What are you waiting for, use your skills in a better career (targeted more specifically at the age group of 22 onwards)

Support For Proposition

There is a common misunderstanding of the variety of roles offered within the New Zealand police. However there are many different areas of expertise that they are unaware of i.e. Dog handlers, Forensic, Diplomacy, criminal education etc. Because of this lack of public awareness people are not considering the New Zealand Police as a viable career path.

Style & Tone

The style and tone of this campaign may slightly vary according to the Target Audience addressed but overall the tone should be informative, aspirational and empowering to the viewer, while being displayed in a sleek and professional fashion.


The recruitment campaign must consist of a minimum of 4 - 6 distinct executions exploring digital and traditional media. Selection of media and placement must be considered for effectiveness and budget. In addition, the New Zealand police logo and website address must be displayed.

Tuesday, July 13, 2010

The New Zealand Police

Through my research from the 1st semester I wanted to use participatory culture and in particular gaming to change perceptions. Initially Crimestoppers seemed ideal as a client however I found that The NZ Police would be a better client.

Looking into the police initially There are heaps of avenues that Can go down but it seems that a recruitment campaign would work best with a "gaming" or interactive model. We can change the way that people percieve the Police at a younger age and also maybe people looking for a change in career.